Dorina obtained her MSc degree in Computational Mechanics in 2015 from the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.
Her research project was on the dispersion of radionuclides in the marine Greek area and it was conducted at the Institute of Nuclear Technology - Radiation Protection (INT-RP) of the National Center of Scientific Research "Demokritos".
Her studies were funded by the State Scholarship Foundation and the European Social Fund (ESF).
Since September 2016 she is a PhD student within the STAMP project and conducting a joint degree between the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
In her PhD project, Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations are utilized along with 3D-printing to study designs and operation conditions for spatial two- and three-dimensional liquid chromatography
under the scope of the aspects of flow control and confinement in these type of devices.
Within the STAMP project she has published on proposals for passive and active flow-confinement mechanisms and on design and fabrication considerations
for the reduction of band-broadening and analyte loss. Previous publications were in the field of process safety for runaway reactions.
Liana Roca obtained her MSc degree in 2016 from the University of Southampton with a six months research project at the University of Turin.
In September 2016 she started a PhD in the STAMP project. Liana Roca is focussing on retention mechanisms,
with the ultimate aim to establish orthogonal separation mechanisms for two- and three-dimensional spatial separations.
In accordance with the project description, her initial focus has been on peptide separations. In order to characterize orthogonality and predict optimal separations,
accurate retention models are needed. Liana is studying retention models for peptides in hydrophilic-interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC)
using automatic peak-tracking algorithms and the PIOTR program developed in our group. She has just had a first-author paper accepted and she has co-authored another paper.
Noor Abdulhussain obtained her M.Sc. degree in 2017. She is now a PhD student in the ERC STAMP (Separation Technology for A Million Peaks) project at the University of Amsterdam.
Abdulhussain has published on integrated analysis of nanoparticles and the constituting macromolecules by LC×LC. She recently was decorated with a best poster award at HPLC2019 (Milan, Italy),
and was invited to give a lecture at the Emerging Separations Technologies symposium (Chromatographic Society, London, UK).
While her current work mainly focuses on functionality assessments of 3D-printed devices for application to multi-dimensional separations,
Abdulhussain remains involved in studying fundamental separation mechanisms including those of hydrodynamic chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography.
Marta Passamonti is a PhD within the STAMP project.
Her work mostly focuses on the development of monolithic stationary phases and their creation inside complex 3D-printed titanium devices.
During her Bachelor’s internship at the University of Parma, she synthetized supramolecular compounds. After this small parenthesis in the organic chemistry’s field,
she directed her attentions to the analytical chemistry. During her Master’s degree in Industrial Chemistry,
she successfully developed a MEPS-LC-MS/MS method for the determination of dexamethasone phosphate disodium in humour aqueous.
Pascal Breuer obtained his MSc degree in Analytical Sciences in 2017 and is currently a PhD student in the ERC STAMP (Separation Technology for A Million Peaks) project at the University of Amsterdam.
In previous (internship) projects he gained experience in a variety of multidimensional chromatography techniques including LC×LC, GC×GC and SFC×SFC. For his research on the latter he was rewarded the Student Innovation Award by TI-COAST.
More recently Pascal was rewarded for obtaining third place in The Separation Science Slam held at HPLC 2019 in Milan, which focused on science communication. Within the STAMP project he focuses on developing interfaces between spatial separation devices
and existing detection techniques.