Below you will find different internship openings including a short description. To apply for a position, please use the given contact details for that specific project. Make sure to included the required documents.
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Start: Anytime
Duration: 8-9 months
Location: Science Park 904, University of Amsterdam
Characterization of complex mixtures that are of crucial importance in many fields, such as proteomics, metabolomics or lipidomics,
requires extremely high separation powers. This growing need is spurring the quest for high peak capacities.
Therefore, the STAMP (Separation Technology for A Milion Peaks), project is aimed at obtaining a peak capacity of one million in liquid-phase analytical separations.
The separation takes place in a three-dimensional separation body.
A novel way to produce efficient separation devices may be established through the use of 3D-printing technologies.
Because of its accuracy and the freedom provided for prototyping and fabrication, 3D-printing could not stay unnoticed by the field of Analytical Sciences.
In order to achieve this goal, a suitable and efficient 2D separation device is necessary.
For this purpose, a printed device for 2D separations will be tested first.
Here, the goal of the project is to study isoelectric focusing (IEF) as a spatial first dimension separation and reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) as the second dimension in 3D- printed polypropylene devices.
The devices are being evaluated based on their separations of protein mixtures with known pI values.
Several aspects, such as the stability of pH gradient are being evaluated in the devices.
RPLC separations are achieved by in-situ creation of polymer monoliths in the devices, directly within the 3D-printed channels.
Send an email to and include your CV and motivation letter!
Start: June - September 2020
Duration: 8 months (48 ECTs)
Location: Science Park 904, University of Amsterdam
In the past few years we have witnessed to the two-dimensional liquid chromatography developing as a key tool for analytical scientists in many fields.
The resolution power of this tecnique has demonstrated crucial in addressing the separation problems of very complex mixtures.
Reasonable analysis time is still the main challenge.
Spatial multi-dimensional liquid chromatography may be a good alternative. Obviously, nowadays no commercial device allows to perform such separations.
3D-printing has rapidly developed as powerful tool and it can be used to create such devices.
Materials like titanium can be used to build analytical devices thanks to their excellent solvent compatibility and pressure resistance.
This project aims to explore the limits of flow confinement using physical barriers like locally created polymer monolith frits or/and freeze-thaw valve mechanism.
Moreover, the device will be packed with particles and used to perform multi-dimensional separations of proteins, using spatial liquid-chromatography.
Send an email to and include your CV and motivation letter!
Start: Anytime
Duration: 7 - 8 months (42 - 48 ECTs)
Location: Science Park 904, University of Amsterdam
Are you interested in learning how to make, characterize and apply new stationary
We are developing a new separation material for the characterization of proteins in
hydrophilic interaction chromatography. We want to work with a motivated student that
does not mind (much) chemistry and that wants to know more about separation science
and mass spectrometry.
Proteins have (relative) high molecular weight and they are not easy to analyze as intact.
Trypsin digestion makes protein measurements more compatible with LC-MS instrument
but at the same time it increases the complexity of the analysis (from one protein many
peptides are formed). In our group, we look at ways to characterize protein as intact.
In this project you will learn how to make and characterize polymeric monoliths and
fundamentals of the separation science for large molecules. Successful materials will be
tested by LC-MS.
Send an email to and and include your CV and motivation letter!
Start: Anytime
Duration: 8-9 months
Location: Science Park 904, University of Amsterdam
In the past few years we have witnessed 3D-printing developing as a key tool for scientists in many fields, including Analytical Chemistry.
3D-printed microfluidic devices used for mixing and separations, are developed from several different groups.
However, materials remain the main obstacle to seamlessly 3D-printing analytical devices.
This project aims to 3D-print materials that can tackle common issues in analytical devices such as solvent compatibility and UV-transparency.
These are the main shortcomings of printable materials and the important properties requires by chromatographers all over the world.
Fused Deposition Moulding (FDM), Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D-printers will be used in order to
3D-print devices with materials such as titanium, fused silica and PEEK. For use in liquid chromatography,
stationary phases must be reliably deposited and implemented within the printed channels.
Monolithic stationary phases represent a promising approach for selective implementation and deposition across targeted regions of printed chips.
This project aims to explore the limits of geometrical confinement of polymer monoliths within a range of printed substrates, such as titanium and fused silica.
The monolithic stationary phases will then be used to perform multi-dimensional separations of proteins, using liquid-chromatography.
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Start: Anytime
Duration: 7-8 months
Location: Science Park 904, University of Amsterdam
The growing need for analyzing complex mixtures has led to a constant effort for achieving higher peak capacities.
Conventional one- and two-dimensional column-based systems do not offer sufficient separation power.
Spatial two-dimensional liquid chromatography could offer an efficient solution as the peak capacity of the system is the product of the peak capacities from all dimensions,
yet analysis time remains relatively short due to parallel separations. One possible setup can be achieved with the TWo-dimensional Insertable Separation Tool (TWIST).
Thanks to the simplicity of the concept, the TWIST can potentially have different applications in the analytical field.
In this project monolithic stationary phases will be incorporated in a 3D-printed titanium TWIST.
The scope of this thesis is to separate analyte mixtures in 1D and possibly explore also 2D separations.
The major goal of this project is to study monolith formation inside the TWIST and how it effects the separation.
This study is part of the STAMP project (Separation Technology for A Million Peaks).
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